Deus ex human revolution wikia
Deus ex human revolution wikia


Don't forget to tell him that his family will support him in whatever situation, this is important to win the dialog challenge. I recommend starting with the Tough Love option and continuing on from there. The Last Straw - You talked Doctor Isaias Sandoval out of suicide.Also, be aggressive and make many accusations. His arguments are often based on his ideals rather than actual information: use this against him. Win the dialog challenge with William Taggart. The Throwdown - You convinced the smooth-talking politician Bill Taggart to tell the truth in public.After you've read the e-mails, head upstairs once again and speak to Sarif about your upcoming mission in Hengsha. After winning the dialog "battle", do not forget to visit your office once again and read all emails on your computer, in order to be able to continue the Acquaintances Forgotten quest and get two achievements later in the game. The dialog "battle" will start automatically once you go to your boss's office and speak with him. Pritchard will then inform you on the breach, and will suggest you to ask Sarif on the matter. NOTE: In order to get this conversation, you have to visit Pritchard before visiting David Sarif once you are back from the secret FEMA Facility. No real guide here as well, since the dialogue is random every time. Yes Boss - You had an argument with your boss, David Sarif, and won.Try to be sympathetic and nice with him, and convince him that he isn't to blame for the incident. The Desk Job - You convinced Wayne Haas to let you into the morgue.No real guide there since the dialogue is random, but try to empathize/reason him when possible. Unforeseen Consequence - convince Zeke Sanders to let his hostage go.


A full coverage of this achievement describing the location of every XP book is in the bottom of the guide.

  • Doctorate - Read all 29 unique XP books within a single playthrough.
  • I suggest augmentations with a low amount of upgrades needed.


    Transhumanist - Fully upgrade your first augmentation of choice.The D Project - You watched the entire credit list and saw the surprise at the end.Make a gamesave, watch one ending, reload, watch another, repeat until done. After that, complete the game to the point where you get to choose the ending. In order to get this achievement, you will have first to help Sarif AND Taggart in Panchaea. Deus Ex Machina - Experience all the different endings that Deus Ex: Human Revolution has to offer.You have to start your game on the hardest difficulty and are not allowed to switch the difficulty setting throughout the entire game. Legend - beat the game on the hardest difficulty.If you fail to hack a device in the Sarif building or in any house in Detroit and Hengsha, this won't trigger any alarms and therefore won't lock the achievement Note: This is only the case in the areas where failing a hack can trigger the alarm. You fail a hack (the security "detects" you).Laser emitter gets damaged from weapons and EMP grenades (this is different from camera - be sure not to use any EMP grenades on laser grids).Laser Grid gets triggered by the player or by an object.You destroy a camera by a weapon/explosion.Camera spots the player or a body (showing as Alarmed or Hostile permanently on radar - Suspicious is OK).A human enemy or a civilian activates an alarm panel.For more information on this achievement, visit the Deus Ex Wiki: Foxiest of the Hounds To check your progress on this achievement, be sure to check if you get the Smooth Operator XP bonus at the end of each mission (note, however, that this bonus available only on certain missions). Foxiest of the Hounds - beat the game without setting off any alarms.For more information on the Ghost Bonus and detection details, visit the Deus Ex Wiki: Ghost (Bonus) Being detected means: being spotted so that your radar turns red (not orange: really red), physically touching an enemy, letting enemies see other enemies bodies and/or turrets/bots exploding. Complete a mission without getting detected. More information on that below in the Hengsha 1 section WARNING: completing The Fall achievement (for the Rotten Business quest) locks out Pacifist. Pacifist - complete the game without anyone dying by your hands (Boss fights do not count) YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO: Kill people by any means (weapons/mines/etc.), drop/push enemies off the rooftops, hide bodies in water (=in the canals in the sewers).

    Deus ex human revolution wikia