In previous years, I’ve tried to read all the National Book Award finalists.

Kennedy about Joseph Kennedy’s life and both American Queen: A Life of Jacqueline Kennedy and If Kennedy Lived: The First and Second Terms of President John F. (I’m kind of in a Kennedy phase right now – I’m very slowly working my way through The Patriarch: The Remarkable Life and Turbulent Times of Joseph P. I am a major James Swanson fan, so I’m really looking forward to this one. When I was in Cincinnati, I listened to Killing Kennedy which was interesting but not. End of Days: The Assassination of John F.It was SO much better than the first one, and now I’m DYING for the third one to come up at the library for me. I wasn’t particularly thrilled with Ruby Red (it was fine, but not amazing), but for some reason I read the second book anyway. I gave this one to my dad for his birthday, and not only does the storyline sound amazing (working-class boys on a crew team at the University of Washington beat all the Ivy League teams and then go on to compete against Hitler’s team in the Olympics), but it’s narrated by Edward Herrmann who narrated Unbroken, which was one of the most stellar audiobooks I’ve ever listened to (also, he’s the grandfather on Gilmore Girls, which.