Ich habe zwar viel Zeit, aber ich habe nicht genug Geld. verdienen +5 Definitionen Plenum est mihi temporis non satis autem pecuniae. 4) to accuse some one of malversation, embezzlement of public money: accusare aliquem peculatus, pecuniae publicae. to embezzle money: avertere pecuniam (Verr. the public income from the mines: pecunia publica, quae ex metallis redit. Meens, Het tripartite boeteboek: Overlevering en betekenis van. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'legend.' Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. pecunia noun feminine + Grammatik Übersetzungen pecunia Hinzufügen Geld noun neuter la magnam ex aliqu r pecniam cnficere de viel mit etw. to extort money from the communities: pecuniam cogere a civitatibus. paravit iusto conquisitu cum propria pecunia W.
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Jeff And Patti Kinzbach, cleveland, 22 June 2022 How Keegan Murray transformed from son of Battle Creek legend to Pistons' NBA draft target Contact Kirkland Crawford: Crawford, Detroit Free Press, 21 June 2022 Brooks and his band played the song near the end of Friday’s show - the first of two nights at Rice-Eccles, on the country legend’s soon-to-end Stadium Tour.

Shafiq Najib,, 22 June 2022 Cleveland radio legend Jeff Kinzbach and his wife, Patti, have been living out of their RV and traveling North America since Jeff retired in 2020.

Jonathan Cohen, SPIN, 24 June 2022 Pippen, the son of NBA legend Scottie Pippen, is a native of Los Angeles and attended Sierra Canyon High School.Īria Gerson, USA TODAY, 24 June 2022 Marking the 50th anniversary of Title IX, tennis legend Billie Jean King sat down with Andrea Mitchell on NBC Nightly News to discuss the opportunities to make sports more inclusive for women. George Varga, San Diego Union-Tribune, 24 June 2022 The title track, which features Jeff Beck on guitar, is out now, accompanied by a video directed by comic legend Todd McFarlane (Spawn, The Amazing Spider-Man). Austin Collins, Rolling Stone, 24 June 2022 And her father is the late Indian music legend Ravi Shankar. Toen keizer Vespasianus aantrad was de staatskas leeg door de brand van Rome, de excessen van Nero, het Vierkeizerjaar en de Opstand van de. Recent Examples on the Web Man, myth, and legend are collapsed into one hip-heaving, acutely talented, blue-eyed soulster whose tragedy is preordained by the fact that his story still belongs to the man who bled it dry. Pecunia non olet ('Geld stinkt niet') is een Latijnse uitdrukking, een geparafraseerde opmerking van keizer Vespasianus, volgens de geschiedschrijver Suetonius in 'Levens van de keizers'. Urgency for safety in construction: narrative struggles of carpe diem, carpe pecunia and memento mori.